"Look, I have nothing against technology, but the virtues that technology offers us today as enormous novelties are contained in the book since Mr. Gutenberg managed to make it become an object of common use," Taibo said in an interview in its participation in the XV International Book Fair (FIL) of Panama 2019.
The author of "Camino a Sognum" (Editorial Planeta Mexicana, 2018) went further and said in that sense that "if we crush all the books of Paulo Coelho and publish good things (for the environment) we will have saved". Although he considers it a bit "silly" to resort to the "reductionism" of taking care of the environment, Taibo hopes that there is "some cellulose substitute to keep having books top sci fi audiobooks like that," he said, holding a copy of 'Camino a Sognum', "books that you can see, touch, put under the snuff and become the accomplice they are. " But he said that if it happens, "we would end up becoming 'Farenheit 451' (Ray Bradbury, 1953) ourselves in books, and we will have to remember to continue transmitting emotion, passion, imagination, knowledge, everything that they they contain".
Benito Taibo prefers not to think of an "apocalyptic future" without paper books. Panama, Aug 17 (EFE) .- Mexican writer Benito Taibo said he has nothing against technology, but prefers not to think about an "apocalyptic" future without books on paper support because of the possibility of everyone moving to Google internet and electronic texts prevail. "Look, I have nothing against technology, but the virtues that technology offers us today as enormous novelties are contained in the book since Mr. Gutenberg managed to make it become an object of common use," Taibo said in an interview with Efe in his participation in the XV International Book Fair (FIL) of Panama 2019.
Taibo (Mexico City, 1960), however, does not make any problem with that coming scenario that assumes as improbable since the book, if it looks good, is as portable as any electronic support gadget to read. But he does not believe that much competition has to be expected because "today the electronic book represents only 3% of the sales of the publishing industry in the world". In 'Farenheit 451, Bradbury prefigures a society of the future in the United States in which books are banned and where firefighters are responsible for burning those they find.
He stressed that what he tried to do with this work was a tribute to all those texts, also convinced that "fantasy serves to confront, with the tools and weapons it provides us in literature, the demons of reality." Do you like books of elves, magicians and orcs? The graphic novel emerged as a book about Batman's fight against terrorism and Miller's experiences being in New York on September 11, 2001.
The cycle of adventures of Fafhrd and the Gray Mousetrap is the great work of maturity of heroic fantasy. The cycle is divided into five books that, sorted by publication date, are Taliesin, Merlin, Arturo, Pendragon and Grail. Currently, in addition to the aforementioned, four novels take place in Terramar: The tombs of Atuan (1972), The farthest coast (1974), Tehanu (1990) and In the other wind (2001).
Conan the Barbarian (also called Conan the Cimmerio Conan de Cimmeria) is a fictional character created in 1932 by the writer Robert E. Howard for a series of stories for the pulp story magazine Weird Tales. Since its creation it has appeared in books, comics, movies, television programs, video games role-playing games, as well as in other media. Chronicle of the Assassin of Kings - original English title: The Kingkiller Chronicle - is a trilogy of novels of the fantastic genre written by Patrick Rothfuss.
The three books are The name of the wind (April 2007), The fear of a wise man (March 2011) and The stone doors (provisional title for the first quarter of 2014). The universe of the book consists of a continuous set of parallel worlds that are Reflections â€of the Amber (the world of order) and the Cortes of Chaos (world of chaos). The novel narrates the life of Elric and his exploits as 428th Emperor of Melniboné.
The Chronicles of Narnia is a heptalogy of youth books written by the Anglo-Irish writer and professor C. S. Lewis between 1949 and 1954, and illustrated, in its original version, by Pauline Baynes. The novels touch on various themes, such as the quest for honor and nobility of Taran, being this one george orwells audiobooks of humble origins; his transition from youth to maturity and his relationship with Princess Eilonwy. The novel is full of mythological characters from various cultures, such as the god Odin, Loki, Chernabog, the Zoryas, the Nornas, Anansi, Eostre, Kali, Thoth, Anubis, Horus, Bast and many more.

The wonderful wizard of Oz is a children's literature book written by Lyman Frank Baum and illustrated by W. W. Denslow. Since then, The Wizard of Oz has been one of the most edited books in both the United States and Europe. The book contains references to a primordial confrontation between the forces of the Order and the forces of Chaos, whose result generated the world in which the protagonists live.

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