The book stands out for the author's incredible imagination, although the rhythm and prose make the reading a bit heavy and slow. This novel has several sequels, but usually they are not up to Mundo Ring, so I would only recommend it to those who are very fans of Larry Niven. Ray Bradbury is one of the most famous science fiction writers.
And if you get any version of Double Star (Hugo 1956 award) Outsider in a strange land (Hugo 1962 award), I would also recommend reading, although these books are currently discontinued in Spanish. One of the classics of science fiction, The stars, my destiny is normally compared to The Count of Montecristo, for the similarity in the plot and the objective of the main character: revenge. Precursor of the cyberpunk genre, William Gibson has won the Hugo, Philip K. Dick and Nébula awards with his novel Neuromante.

William Gibson continued this trilogy of the Neuromant with the novels Count Zero and Accelerated Mona Lisa: If you have lived through the eighties with the series, movies and video games of this era, surely this novel will enchant you because it makes continuous references to the culture of these years ( it is only necessary to see the amount of comments that this novel has on Amazon). If good sci fi audiobooks you are younger and it happens to you like me, many of those references will escape you, but you will still have a good time reading an adventure related to video games and virtual reality. So we will get into the shoes of Wade Watts, a treasure hunter who will have to solve a series of challenges and puzzles to win the grand prize: the future and possession of the virtual world of Oasis.
I just hope that they soon translate the other two novels of the trilogy into Spanish. As negative points, I must mention that the story focuses more on showing us a vision of how the future can be than on telling us a story with well-developed characters, in which much more depth is missing. Many consider him as the father of science fiction along with H. G. Wells and Hugo Gernsback.
Wells was one of the main precursors of science fiction and was included in the Science Fiction Hall of Fame in 1997. He would also recommend the novels of Criptonomicón I The Enigma Code (Locus Award winner and nominated for the Hugo and Arthur C Award. Clarke), Kryptonomicon II The Pontifex code, Kryptonomicon III. What book would you recommend to get into this genre?
"The Dispossessed" "The left hand of darkness" are deep, very beautiful books, which have won countless awards. It has been quite easy for me to find Ursula Le Guin's book, The Dispossessed â€and I have already begun to read it. If you have never read science fiction, starting with a hard science fiction can be a somewhat heavy experience.
It is a short novel, of a dystopian nature and much mentioned today by the present in the world and the development of technologies that, although we do not realize it, collect data from us and "observe us". My favorite books are those of Farenheit 451 and The Ender Game. I recently read the Ready player one book â€and I think it would fit in this list.
I really liked the book and now I want to read it again. A story with a lot of action in a possible future where climate change, seed patents and genetic manipulation are the substrate. I enrolled in this science fiction after finishing watching The Expanse Series.

Greetings and long live science fiction. I've seen the series "The Expanse" on Netflix and I found it very pleasant, but I didn't know it was a saga of novels. I will investigate the novel you mention to update the list.
I personally liked the books you mention, "The Old Guard" more, but I think you will like any of those three books. I am not an expert in CF novels but I have read some and discarded many. As for Asimov, I've always liked his novels more than his short stories too, but I still think he has great stories.
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